Maine Adaptive is challenging you to complete a Marathon!
Now before you say “NO WAY, you’re crazy, I’m not running a Marathon!” Hear us out…
You have 26 days to complete 26 miles, April 20th to May 15th.
30 minutes of exercise (any type of exercise) equals 1 mile, 60 minutes equals 2 miles, 90 minutes equals 3 miles and so on…
Get creative with your workouts! Some ideas can range from walking your dog, following a yoga video, climbing the stairs in your house, curling soup cans…the possibilities are endless!
Share your miles with pride! Email, or post your photos on the Maine Adaptive Marathon event page, and encourage your friends to take the challenge and get active, too!
To help you stay on track, we have created an activity log. At the end of the challenge, on May 15th, all marathon finishers who reached 26 miles are invited to send their log to us (via email or mail) and they will be sent some Maine Adaptive swag!
Stay Active! Stay Healthy! Stay Connected!