Participant Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Maine Adaptive programming is open to children and adults with a variety of disabilities. Check out our Guidelines for Participation on the Participate Page for details.
Yes! Even though we are widely known for skiing, we do so much more. In the winter, you can join Maine Adaptive for skiing, snowboarding, Nordic skiing, and snowshoeing. If you are looking for summer activities, join Maine Adaptive for golf, cycling, mountain biking, tennis, paddling, pickleball, or climbing.
Nothing! All lessons with Maine Adaptive are 100% free of charge — winter and summer – including your lift ticket/trail pass, your equipment, and the instruction you will receive.
No. Maine Adaptive has equipment to fit many shapes and sizes. We are ready to find the right equipment for your needs. If you already own your own equipment, you are welcome to use it during your lesson.
Getting started is easy! All of the forms you need to get started with us are just a click away. Check out the Participate Page for more information.
All of the lessons at Maine Adaptive are taught by experienced and trained volunteers and stress safety, fun, and learning. When you arrive for a confirmed lesson, you will need to check-in. Check in with us at our meeting location, and our staff and volunteers will make sure you have what you need.
After everyone has arrived, you will be paired up with volunteer instructors for your lesson. Talk to those volunteers about your goals for the lesson – they are there to work with you. You and your volunteers can decide when to take breaks or stop for lunch. At the end of your lesson, you can return any equipment you used and any trail pass you checked out. This is also a good time to talk to your instructors about your goals. Did you meet your goals for the lesson? What do you want to work on next time?
Directions are available to all regular Maine Adaptive programs on the Directions Page.
Transportation to all activities is the responsibility of the participant. The goal of Maine Adaptive is to get individuals active, so they can enjoy sports with their family and friends independently. However, one way people get to lessons is by carpooling with volunteers or other participants. We can provide you with the names and phone numbers of people in your area that would be willing to provide transportation. All you have to do is contact us!
Just pick up the phone and call us at (207) 824-2440. We understand that life is unpredictable and you may need to change your confirmed schedule. We ask that you contact us at least 24 hours in advance so that we can fill your lesson space. Our phone is always on – feel free to leave a message.
Maine Adaptive only cancels lessons in the case of unsafe conditions. If you think this may be the case, call the office at 207-824-2440 to hear any cancellation information. The machine is updated by 6:00 AM if lessons are cancelled for the day. If we are still holding lessons but you do not want to travel in the inclement weather, just leave a message letting us know.